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Travel with Consideration (Taiwan)

Tourism can impact the natural, economic and social environment. At Wendy Wu Tours, we are committed to addressing this impact wherever possible without compromising our customers’ experience.

Taking Photos

Always check that it is ok before taking a photograph or video of a local person. Simply indicate to your camera to ask and never take the photograph or footage if someone gestures to say that they do not want you to. Cameras are not allowed in some sightseeing spots, particularly temples, and government buildings.

Observe Local Rules and Customs

Taiwan is a country with its own unique local rules and customs. As foreigners, we are not expected to be knowledgeable about these, but it will make your time in Taiwan more enjoyable if you are respectful of local customs. Some examples of customs include:

  1. Respect for elders: Taiwan has a strong tradition of respect for elders, so it is important to show deference to people who are older than you. This can include using honorific titles and avoiding interrupting or contradicting them.

  2. Gift-giving: When giving a gift in Taiwan, it is important to present it with both hands and to choose a gift that is appropriate for the occasion. Avoid giving items in sets of four, as the number four is considered unlucky in Chinese culture.

  3. Etiquette in temples: When visiting a temple, it is important to dress modestly and to remove your shoes before entering. It is also customary to light incense and make an offering before praying.

  4. Dining etiquette: When dining with others in Taiwan, it is customary to share dishes rather than ordering individual meals. It is also polite to wait until everyone has been served before beginning to eat.

  5. Respect for authority: Taiwan has a strong respect for authority, so it is important to show respect to police officers, government officials, and other figures of authority.

  6. Cleanliness: Taiwan is known for its cleanliness, so it is important to dispose of trash properly and to keep public spaces clean.

  7. Language: The official language of Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese, but many people also speak Taiwanese Hokkien, Hakka, and other regional dialects. English is also widely spoken, especially in tourist areas.

  8. Punctuality: Taiwanese people value punctuality, so it is important to arrive on time for meetings and appointments. If you are running late, it is polite to call or send a message to let the other person know.

Dress Appropriately

Taiwan is a relatively conservative country, so it is important to dress modestly, especially in more traditional areas. Shorts, sleeveless shirts, and revealing clothing may not be appropriate in certain settings.

The Environment

 Wooden chopsticks also have a negative environmental impact – these are likely to be supplied in restaurants. Perhaps consider taking your own pair of reusable chopsticks (or even a knife and fork if you are chopstick-challenged!) that you can carry with you and use at lunch and dinner.


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