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  2. Southeast Asia Travel Information

Tipping (Southeast Asia)

Tipping is customary in Asia as recognition of exceptional service and Southeast Asia is no exception. 

Escorted Group Tours

Many passengers are often uncertain of how much to tip, so we have established a tipping system whereby every passenger gives a set amount to the National Escort who will distribute the amount appropriately throughout your trip. This amount is usually in USD but may be in the local currency; please refer to your final documentation or the tour information page for more details about the amount and currency.

On multi-country trips, this amount will be paid in stages on arrival in each country. All group tour passengers are expected to contribute to the tipping kitty. (If there is no National Escort, please give the money directly to your Local Guides – the tipping amounts for each city will be shown in your final itinerary.)

The amount for the kitty is calculated for each tour depending on the length, group size and services used during the trip. Your final documents and invoice will specify the exact tipping amount for your group. The tipping kitty will cover local guides and drivers in each city/province, local and/or site guides and your National Escort. Porterage to your room is not included.

For Independent Travellers, or group passengers with pre/post tour arrangements

The following table gives suggested tipping amounts per person per day:

Country Tour Guide Drivers Boat Drivers Hotel Maid and Porterage
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Borneo, Singapore, Philippines  US$8-10  US$3-5  US$2 US$1-2

For restaurants, if no service charge has been applied to the bill, we recommend 10-15%.

If you are cruising on the Victoria Mekong independently of a group tour, we recommend US $5-7 per person, per day, for crew and guide(s).