Currency (Uzbekistan)

The official currency in Uzbekistan is the Uzbek Sum or Som (USZ) . Banknotes come in denominations of 100, 200, 500, 1,000 and 5,000 sum. Coins come in denomination of 50, 100, 200, 500 & 1,000 Sum.

Here is a reference table of approximate exchange rates (for up-to-date exchange rates, please check before you travel).

1 unit of currency UZS
AU$1 8099.19


NZ$1 7315.89

Correct as of December 2024


Please Note:

  • A foreign currency declaration form must be completed on arrival and keep a copy for yourself. You cannot leave with more foreign currency than you arrive with. You will be required to show your copy of the currency declaration form when you leave.
  • Ensure banknotes are in good condition before exchanging or accepting. Only use authorised foreign exchange providers.
  • USD can be readily exchanged at banks, hotel exchange offices and at the terminal of Tashkent airport only.