Currency (Argentina)

The local currency in Argentina is Argentine peso (ARS). It comes in notes of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 pesos. Coins come in values ​​of 5, 10, 25, 50 centavos, and 1 and 2 pesos. 

The US Dollar is widely accepted in Argentina. It is a good idea to bring some US dollars with you but be aware that some businesses will charge a premium for goods and services paid for in US dollars. You can exchange currency at banks, exchange bureaus, and some hotels. However, you'll usually get the best exchange rate at banks.

Many businesses in Argentina do not accept credit cards. It is a good idea to have some cash on hand for small purchases, such as souvenirs or street food.

When using ATMs in Argentina, be sure to choose your ATM wisely. Banking systems such as Banelco and Link are known to be more secure and ATMs that are marked with the Cirrus or Plus logos. 

The maximum amount of money you can withdraw from an ATM in Argentina is typically around $100 USD per transaction and you may also be limited to a maximum of two withdrawals per day. Your home bank may charge you a fee for using an ATM in Argentina. The ATM itself may also charge a fee. Be sure to check both fees before you withdraw any money. 

Here is a reference table of approximate exchange rates (for up-to-date exchange rates, please check before you travel):

1 unit of current Argentina Peso (ARS)
AU$1 240.19
NZ$1 223.45
US$1 366.49

Correct as of December 2023